Taking Voluntary Depositions of Willing Witnesses in Israel (Updated 2017)

Israel is a signatory to the Hague Evidence Convention, which in general, means you can depose willing witnesses without any special formalities or involvement of foreign courts. Here is the latest official info on taking depos in Israel, taken from the U.S. Department of State website https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/Judicial-Assistance-Country-Information/Israel.html:

Voluntary depositions of willing U.S. citizen witnesses may be taken by U.S. Consular Officers and private attorneys without prior permission from Israeli authorities. Voluntary depositions of Israeli and third-country nationals require prior permission from the Israeli Central Authority for the Hague Evidence Convention. The taking of telephone and video-teleconference testimony of willing witnesses is permitted, assuming permission is granted when the witness is an Israeli or third country national. A deposition can be taken on notice from either party’s attorney or pursuant to a commission issued by a U.S. court. If taken on notice, the notice must state the time, place for taking the deposition and the name and address of each person to be examined. If the services of a U.S. consular officer are required to administer an oath to the witness, interpreter and stenographer, such arrangements must be made in advance with the U.S. embassy directly. If the deposition is taken pursuant to a commission, prior permission of the Israeli Central Authority is required.

Preparing for a deposition in Israel

Plan Early.

Give yourself a minimum of 4 weeks to plan. The further you plan ahead, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to locate and book the right professionals for your deposition.

Depo Venue.

Depositions in Israel can take place at the venue of your choosing, whether that be a hotel room, law firm office, conference room, or videoconferencing facility.

Local Court Reporters.

We have local court reporters in Israel, which means little to no travel costs for you.

Visa Requirements.

U.S. passport holders may enter Israel for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa.

Hague Evidence Convention.

Israel is a member of the Hague Evidence Convention. Find out more about the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters.

Other Essential Reads for Taking a Deposition in Israel

Depositions in Israel – International Deposition Tips
Looking to set up a deposition in Israel for a U.S. court case? Want to know what you can and can’t do? Our amazing Director of Scheduling and CSR, Kimberlee Castro, walks you through the legalities for how to set up a U.S. deposition in Israel.
Infographic: 5 Tips for Swearing In a Witness Abroad
Have a witness you need to depose in a foreign country? Wondering how you can administer the oath correctly? There are a number of possible solutions available for swearing in a witness outside of the U.S. Our quick and easy infographic provides some practical suggestions based on our extensive experience scheduling depositions abroad.
Have any questions? We’re more than happy to assist you with setting up a deposition in Israel – Optima Juris is among the leading providers of U.S. deposition services in the region. Please feel free to contact us at any time at: depos@optimajuris.com, or visit our informational quote request page for Israel at: https://optimajuris.com/court-reporter-israel/
This article has been updated with the latest information from the U.S. Department of State for Taking Depositions in Israel. Originally published on March 4, 2014.

About Optima Juris

Optima Juris is the only U.S. agency exclusively dedicated to international depositions. We have been helping law offices across the globe find the highest-quality certified court reporters, legal videographers, and interpreters for over 17 years. If you should have any questions about international depositions, please do not hesitate to contact us or fill out a free quote to see how we can make your international deposition a complete success.
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