Taking Voluntary Depositions of Willing Witnesses in India (Updated 2017)

Here is the latest official info on taking depos in India, taken from the U.S. Department of State website https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/Judicial-Assistance-Country-Information/India.html

Voluntary depositions may be conducted in India of U.S. citizens without permission of the Indian Central Authority for the Hague Evidence Convention.
Voluntary depositions of Indian nationals and third country nationals require prior permission of the Indian Central Authority for the Hague Evidence Convention.  Oral depositions or depositions on written questions may be taken by U.S. consular officers or by private attorneys at the U.S. Embassy/Consulate or at another location such as a hotel or office, either on notice or pursuant to a commission.  If the services of a U.S. consular officer are required to administer an oath to the witness, interpreter and stenographer, such arrangements must be made in advance with the U.S. embassy directly.

Have any questions? We’re more than happy to assist you with setting up a deposition in India – Optima Juris is among the leading providers of U.S. deposition services in the region. Please feel free to contact us at any time at: depos@optimajuris.com, or visit our informational quote request page for India at: https://optimajuris.com/court-reporter-india/
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