Organizing a U.S. Deposition in India

India is an enormous and varied country with a plenitude of languages, culinary taste and history. As an emerging global powerhouse, India is on track to overtake China as the world’s largest economy by 2030, and projected to grow more than 30 percent in the information technology sector by the end of 2015. As India’s economy and global presence grows, so does the demand for U.S. depositions, litigation and arbitrations taking place in India.
Here is your quick guide on how to coordinate an effective international deposition in India.


The first item to tackle is knowing whether an attorney or other staff from your law firm will be traveling to India. All U.S. citizens traveling to India will need to apply for a visa, as well as supply other requested documentation before travel. This process can be long and tedious, and I suggest applying for a visa at least four weeks in advance.
As an attorney entering India for business purposes, you will need to obtain a business visa. The application may be completed online, but must be supported by various other documents. These other documents include a business letter from your organization verifying your employment and that you will have adequate means to support yourself while in the country. Further, the other documents include a letter of invitation from an Indian organization stating the purpose of your visit.
For further information, please visit the Official Partner of Embassy of India at Cox & Kings Global Services –

Taking Voluntary Testimony

Taking voluntary depositions of U.S. citizens in India can be conducted without permission of the Indian Central Authority. However, voluntary depositions of Indian or third country nationals will require prior permission from the Indian Central Authority for the Hague Evidence Convention. Once approved, written or oral depositions may be taken at the U.S. embassy, or private location, such as a hotel or office.
For the official information for the U.S. Department of State, please visit their website here:

Court Reporters and Legal Videographers in India

In my experience, going with regional deposition personnel makes for a more streamlined and quality deposition. Although there are currently no certified, English-language court reporters or legal videographers based in India, you can have qualified personnel flown in from a nearby country. Regional court reporters, legal videographers and interpreters have an intimate knowledge of U.S. depositions in India and can prevent many problems before they arise. They are also a great resource for your legal team!
With proper planning and the help of your court reporting provider, you should be able to successfully obtain the evidence you need in India.

Need More?

Our vast experience organizing U.S. depositions in India allows us to be a great resource for clients with questions. We can help you with anything you need, including questions about how to get your depositions in India set up successfully. So don’t hesitate to ask us anything — that’s our specialty! Please feel free to contact us at any time at:, or visit our informational quote request page for India at: