A Regional Guide to Depositions in Oceania (Updated 2020)

Are there any restrictions on holding a U.S. depo in …

Taking U.S. depositions in Australia is permissible and in general, you can depose willing witnesses in Belgium without any special formalities or involvement of foreign courts.
Taking U.S. depositions in New Zealand is permissible and in general, you can depose willing witnesses in Belgium without any special formalities or involvement of foreign courts.

Countries That Require Visas for U.S. Citizens

Australia – Most U.S. passport holders traveling to Australia for tourism or business purposes for less than 90 days can obtain an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). The ETA is an electronic label-free visa and can be obtained at the ETA website for a small service fee. Airlines and many travel agents in the United States are also able to apply for ETAs on behalf of travelers.

You must obtain a visa from the appropriate foreign consular representative before proceeding abroad. Allow sufficient time for processing your visa application especially if you are applying by mail. Most foreign consular representatives are located in principal cities and in many instances a traveler may be required to obtain visas from the consular office in the area of his/her residence. Embassies & Consulates in the U.S.

Tips & Advice

Time Difference
If you are in Oceania you are already a full day ahead of the U.S.  And if you are in the U.S. then you are already a day behind!  The time difference can be confusing and no one wants a call at 2  a.m.! Always check what time it is first before contacting someone who is abroad: http://www.timeanddate.com/

Exchanging money
Compare exchange rates at a number of booths if possible, but don’t waste time and money traipsing across town to save ten dollars. Banks and booths typically give much better rates than hotels or other businesses. It’s wise to exchange money at a licensed foreign exchange location – while you may get a better rate on the street, you may get burned by a scam or wind up with obsolete or fraudulent notes – weigh up the pros and cons.

Ask your hotel for a list of safety cell numbers & email
There should be a main contact and a backup contact whom you can contact in the country you’re visiting. Get a cell number and email. Getting a contact number of someone in the USA is ok, but keep in mind most of Oceania is on the other side of the clock time-difference wise.

Carry some cash
While credit cards are accepted throughout the Oceania region, cash is still king when you are absolutely in a bind. While we aren’t saying to be a walking ATM, do have several hundred dollars on you just in case.

Get your paper work straight.
Make sure everyone in your party has a passport and a visa if applicable. Check the embassy rules as they are constantly updated. Also, see what items are included in your travel package (insurance, tipping, forms, etc).

Be a smart traveler.
Before heading overseas:Organize comprehensive travel insurance and check what circumstances and activities are not covered by your policy. Register your travel and contact details, so someone can contact you in an emergency.

Tipping Rules
Tipping is not usually expected and some employees may not understand the gesture. Some employees are forbidden from accepting gratuities (this is mainly in positions of authority e.g. in a casino one cannot tip the dealer or a security guard; however, this would not apply in a formal restaurant situation) and tipping face-to-face can create an awkward situation. However, it is appropriate to add a tip to restaurant bills if the service has been especially good.

It is also acceptable to suggest that taxi drivers or waiters “keep the change”, especially if the difference is small. Tips may be as large or as small as you feel appropriate, though obviously, a particularly small amount is also considered derogatory and extremely rude. Implications that tipping is expected are considered very rude. Where tip jars are provided, they are mostly used for loose change or coins.

Useful Links

U.S. Department of State
Embassies & Consulates in the U.S.
U.S. Embassies Around the World
Visa Requirements for U.S. Citizens
Detailed List on Voltage Requirements

We are always here to help! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a deposition in Oceania.