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Regional Resource For Depositions in Oceania

Based in the Pacific directly south of Asia, Australia and New Zealand are experiencing dramatic economic growth linked to their connections to Asian markets. Australia is a member of the Hague Evidence Convention and has a strong business relationship with the United States. For this reason, a large number of U.S. depositions take place there every year. Oceania, due to its English-speaking legal systems, boasts many competent local court reporters and videographers, and some have experience taking U.S. depositions – please feel free to ask us for additional details. Travel in Oceania is for the most part very easy for Americans. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further details.


Tipping Rules

Tipping is not usually expected and some employees may not understand the gesture. Some employees are forbidden from accepting gratuities (this is mainly in positions of authority e.g. in a casino one cannot tip the dealer or a security guard; however, this would not apply in a formal restaurant situation. However, it is appropriate to add a tip to restaurant bills if the service has been especially good. It is also acceptable to suggest that taxi drivers or waiters “keep the change”, especially if the difference is small. Implications that tipping is expected are considered very rude. Where tip jars are provided, they are mostly for loose change or coins.

Oceania Parties to the Hague Evidence Convention

1. Australia

2. New Zealand

For a full list of all members: http://www.hcch.net.

Getting There

The major countries of Australia and New Zealand offer connections from all continents.

Useful Links

Lonely Planet Oceania Hotel Search.

Electrical Requirements
Detailed List on Voltage Requirements

Holidays & Observances

Imagine your reaction if your deposition had to be rescheduled because of a major local holiday when everything was closed. Don’t let that happen to your depo. You can see a complete list of holidays around the world here.

To see more useful practical information and advice on depositions in Oceania please visit: https://optimajuris.com/info-center/regional-guides-oceania.shtml

The U.S. Department of State website can give you a quick overview of the official rules on taking testimony of willing witnesses in specific countries in Africa.

New Zealand

U.S. Consulate:
